David Gilmour 25 June 2016

Echoes of Emotion: Capturing the Magic of David Gilmour
Poland, Freedom Square Wroclaw, 25.06.2016

Wrocław, my hometown, became a harbor in a journey full of emotions that had long awaited this one experience – the David Gilmour concert. It was my very first concert of one of the guitarists I admire most.
The city center, as we arrived, seemed almost deserted; the empty streets of Wrocław evoked a surreal calm before a storm of emotions. Sports matches had drawn the crowds away, making it easy for us to find parking in the heart of the city, near Plac Wolności. It felt unbelievable – an hour before the gates were set to open, there were no lines. The silence seemed to vibrate in the air, as if time itself was waiting to hear the first chord. As my wife and I approached the stage, I suddenly heard a familiar Voice from it, calling out with a slight smile, "Do you want to know the setlist for tonight?" It was the Voice that announced changes – the echo of the Brexit referendum, which resonated in the hearts of many that day. We returned to waiting, immersed in growing anticipation, briefly soothed by a short yet moving performance by Leszek Możdżer. His music, which I hadn’t known well before, began to weave itself into my heart, until I realized that I had become his fan. Then, another moment of silence, as if the world was preparing for something extraordinary.

Finally, at 9:45 PM, David Gilmour took the stage, beginning his magical performance with the sounds of 5 A.M.. Every note was perfection, and the NFM Orchestra, conducted by Zbigniew Preisner, along with the keyboards of Chuck Leavell and Leszek Możdżer, transformed the concert into a mystical experience, as if the music was more than just sound – it was a painting, a touch to the soul. My camera, though utterly unprepared for this moment, sought to capture what was invisible to the eye but deeply felt by the heart. The frames were, for me, like images within images – on one hand, material and visual, but on the other, profoundly spiritual. Each photo I took, I arranged like a small work of art, where music intertwined with emotion, and emotion with the visual landscape. I stood there, at the heart of the concert, trying to capture in a frame something intangible – an experience so deep that sound alone couldn’t describe it. This concert was more than just an event for me – it was an experience that will forever be enshrined in my photos, in my memory, and in my soul. I stood there, camera in hand, knowing that what I was seeing and hearing was a work of art, and I had the privilege of being a part of it.

Experience Mierzejewski in home